June 16, 2009

Mocking and more!

Went to my moms job so I wouldn't have to spend the whole day in the house. Wasn't super productive but it was relaxing. My mom is going to buy me a notebook so I'm not writing all over my hands which is good. after writing all over my hands I asked to borrow a notebook and on the way out she said she'll buy me a notebook. She's at the gym right now so I'll have to wait till 7:30ish to see what she got me. Trying to convince her to get me a carryall and have that be my only carry-on for camp. She says I should baby-sit more so I can buy it but that's hard work! Plus my side is majorly hard. I usually have "The monster (my like 5' tall suitcase) plus another suitcase and like 9 carry-ons. It's gonna take some serious skill on my part to fit all those 9 into one;). I'll look around for a cheap one to change her mind I guess. Since I'm on the topic of buying, I've decided to buy the sneakers that are mocking me. I first saw them last year and sooo wanted them. I saw them a few months ago and wanted them more so I went to get some new converse. The store I went to didn't have them so I got baby blue high tops but I wanted those shoes, not any old converse (I do love my babies though). A week after I bought my converse I found the shoes on another sight and really really really wanted them but it seemed impractical. now that I've decided to buy them I can't find them. Anywhere. Maybe they're not converse but if they aren't they sure do look like them. They're black mid calf or higher converse and they are mocking me constantly. Seriously, constantly. If you see them please send me a link at dolldomination97@gmail.com and I'll owe you forever.

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