May 11, 2009

Lots to say

Sry about the lack of posts. Got tons to tell.

First, a dress I ordered from eBay came and its just gorgeous! I'm in love with it but I'm going to save it for some bar/bat mitzvas. also on the matter of apparel, I finally bought a new pair of patent black flats (mine were falling apart). Truly versatile, easily casual or dressy, plus the shine is irresistible. second, I figured the total amount biked over the weekend was 14 miles! Unfortunately I have some bruises (I'm clumsy, anything that can bruise I have probably been bruised by). Thirdly, I bought a book of how of how to form good excuses. Maybe I'll share some. We had a field trip today to NBC studios. it was fun and we got to see where snl was filmed but later it felt like a very fun waste. In gym we started playing lacrosse games small enough where I had to play. Ugh you should not be near me while I twirl a lacrosse stick. In religion I have a paper where I have to waste so much paper but my teacher doesn't think its wasteful so he wont change it. It's like two sentences per page.
I'll leave you with a cute pic to dilute all these words.

Asta la vista suckers;)

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