March 9, 2010

Oscars part 2: Who I didn't like

You know I love Diane Kruger, but the Chanel didn't work. It was nothing in particular, maybe I was just expecting something better.

I was disappointed with Demi Moore, the color of her Atelier Versace wasn't right for her skin and the bodice wasn't very flattering, though I loved the ruffles.

I was disappointed With SJP, The back of her Chanel Haute Couture was interesting but I didn't like how little shape there was to this dress.

Tina Fey's Michael Kors did not impress me. It was her typical black, and though it looked okay on stage, on the red carpet it just wasn't right.

I hated Faith Hill's dress. It had all the right elements but the way they were put together...

Miley Cyrus was the only other one who I particularly didn't like.

Just request stars if you want my input, and feel free to disagree with me, I know some people who LOVED SJP's dress.


  1. How about Sandra Bullock's dress?

  2. sjp's dress was a major disappointment!! that's chanel?! it looks like a shower curtain.

  3. I was torn on Sandy's dress. It was a lovely color, but something about the top didn't work for me.
